The option "Address Book" of the menu "Agenda" shows a phone directory that contains internal and external phone numbers. The internal extensions are the ones that have been created in PBX module and they cannot be edited from this module. The external extension are the ones that has been created by the users from this module and don't belong to PBX . To create an external extension click on "New Contact" button.

The following figure shows a list of internal extensions:

Figure 1

The figure 2 shows a list of external telephone numbers. Notice that you can edit or delete these extensions:

Figure 2

The description of each field is detailed as follows:

Name Description
Name Name of the extension
Phone number Number of the extension
Email Electronic contact
Call Click here to call to the extension. Remember that the currently user must be associate an extension number to his account in order to make calls from here. You can do this in the module "System => Users"
Transfer Transfer the call to other extension
Type Contact  Public contact: Created by other user (non editable)
 Public contact: Editable by the user who created it.
 Private contact: Editable by the user who created it.

Create a new contact

To create an external new contact, just click on "New Contact" button and fill out the form. These contacts are not considered internal extensions. Figure 3

Figure 3

Figure 4

You can also add new contacts by importing a csv file with the information of the contacts in three columns. This file must be separated by comma and the required fields are: Name, Last Name, Phone Number. The names of the fields must be in the first line of the file.

Also you can export your current external contacts list by clicking on "Download Address Book" button.

Figure 5