The option “New Virtual Fax” from the Menu “FAX” in pbx lets us create a new virtual fax. You should have previously created an IAX extension in "PBX => PBX Configuration => Extensions => Generic IAX2 Device".

Figure 1

To create a new virtual fax, enter the name, e-mail, extension, secret code, country code and area code for the virtual fax (these are the mandatory fields). After this information is added, click on the “Save” button to save the virtual fax or “Cancel” to leave without saving.

Note that this virtual device will be used to receive faxes.

Here is a brief description of each field:

Nombre Descripción
Virtual Fax Name
Name to identify the virtual fax
Fax Extension (IAX)
Extension to be used by the virtual fax. This extension must already exist and must be of type IAX2.
Associated Mail
Mail to which notifications will be sent regarding received faxes and errors .
Secret (IAX)
It must be the same password as the previously created IAX2 extension.
Name Caller ID
The name of our virtual fax that will appear when we send a fax. This field is not mandatory.
Caller ID Number
The number of our virtual fax that will appear when we send a fax. This field is not mandatory.
Country Code
Here you must specify the country code. This value is required by Hylafax.
Code Area
Here you must specify the area code. This value is required by Hylafax.