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Product Page: Suitecrm Click To Call Integration

Download Module


  • Require port 5038 for Asterisk Server.
  • Support Soft phone or Sip based hard Phone.
  • There should be connectivity between CRM and Asterisk server.
  • Please make back up of data of crm and asterisk and also crm folder before Installation.


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Installation Guide

How to Install Using Module Loader



How to Activate SuiteCRM Asterisk Module


  Admin User Configuration



1. How to Install Using Module Loader

After receiving the file that you would like to install, you must first upload it to your Sugar instance. To upload a file, follow the following steps:

Step 1: Go to Admin Panel


Step 2: Navigate to Admin > Module Loader


Step 3: Click the "Choose File" button in the Module Upload panel to open a file selection window from your browser.


Step 4: Select the file from your local computer.

Step 5: After you select your file, click the "Upload" button to complete the process


Step 6: After it has been uploaded, the package will show in the Uploaded Packages panel


Step 7: You will be brought to the installation screen to confirm that the packages should be installed, and to read and accept any license or read me documentation as needed. Click "Commit" when ready to run the installation.


Step 8: The next page will show a progress bar and a completion notice. If there are any errors, they will be displayed with a verbose explanation of what went wrong. If not, click "Display Log" to show what happened during the installation process.

Step 9: Click Back to Module Loader when complete to return to Module Loader. If you do not need to install any further packages, you can navigate to any other section of Sugar as need be.

2. How to Activate suitecrm Asterisk Module

After Successfully installation of Module, you need to Activate Module. Following steps describe activation process.

Step 1: Go to Admin Panel

Step 2 : Go to sugarcrm Asterisk Activation


Step 3 Fill the details And Click on update


Step 4: Sent Email to and ask for activation key

Step 5: Enter Activation Key.


3. Admin User Configuration

After Successfully Activation of Module, you need to Admin User setting Module. Following steps describe Admin User Configuration process.

Step 1: Go to Admin Panel

Step 2 : Go to sugarcrm Asterisk Configuration


Step 3 Enter CRM URL And SAVE


Step 4 Enter Your Asterisk Server Details By Step By Steps

Asterisk IP (

UserName : Asterisk server Admin Manager User Name

Password : Asterisk server Admin Manager Password

Internal Channel: SIP

External Channel: DAHDI

You will find Asterisk server Admin Manager User Name and password from /etc/asterisk/manager.conf


Make sure that your CRM server IP have access to your asterisk pbx server AMI. Check permit and deny setting in manager.conf

After changes in file Restart Asterisk PBX. ( command : /etc/init.d/asterisk restart )


Steps 5 Please Save the Configuration and create Following Panel


3. End User Configuration

After Successfully Admin User Configuration of Module, you need to End User setting Module. Following steps describe End User Configuration process.

Step 1 : Go to User Panel

Step 2 : Fill appropriate Details as shown here

SuiteCRM Click To Call Integration Add-on User Configuration.

sugarcrm Click To Call Integration Addon User Configuration

Step: 3 Save the User profile

If user does not get phone icon near phone fields

Go to crm root Folder. Like if you have crm files on www/html/crm than crm is your root folder.

Edit .htaccess file. Remove Restriction. It should be like this.


5. How to Uninstall Using Module Loader

After a package has been installed into your Sugar instance, it can be removed if it is no longer needed. When uninstalled, the package will remove any available customizations to your instance from the file system and database.

To uninstall a package, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Module Loader.

Step 2 : Locate the package you would like to uninstall in the Installed Packages panel.

Step 3 :Click the "Uninstall" button.

Note: If you do not see an Uninstall button next to your package, that means that it is either defined to be permanently installed or files for that package that are critical to performing the uninstall are missing from the file system.


Step 4: If the package has added any database tables to your instance, you will see a selection whether to remove or retain the database tables. If the database tables include any information you would like to keep, select the "Do Not Remove Tables" option. An example of this would be if you are uninstalling a custom module, but will be reinstalling a new version of the same module. You would want to keep the data, but remove any files associated with the old module that will be replaced with the new package..

Step 5: Click "Commit" when you are ready to uninstall the package.


Step 6: The next page will show a progress bar and a completion notice. If there are any errors, they will be displayed with a verbose explanation of what went wrong. If not, click "Display Log" to show what happened during the uninstall process..

Step 7: Click Back to Module Loader" when complete to return to Module Loader. If you do not need to uninstall any further packages, you can navigate to any other section of Sugar as need be. .


Step 8: After the package has been uninstalled, it can be deleted from your instance via the Uploaded Packages panel.


Supported CRM Version

SuiteCRM All Version

SugarCRM Versions:

6.1.x    6.4.x    6.5.x    6.6.x    6.7.x

Supported IP PBX / Call Center Server






Other Asterisk Based Telephonic Server

Contact Details

 Website:                     Store        

 Email:          Skype: tech.extension